Sacred Geometry (2), 2017

  • 1750 $

Collectivism connotes the ideals of community, solidarity, proximity, and trust. It is what lies at the heart of the Sacred Geometry project. It evokes an Image of selfless communities difined by unity. It investigates the function of togetherness through art as a critical agency within a grander framework of societal developments. The balance between individual identities and social connectedness reflects dichotomies felt by the artist and portrayed in her work.

Category: Painting
Length: 70 Cm
Height: 110 Cm
Width: 5 Cm
Material: Acrylic on canvas
Framed: No
Edition: 1 out of 1
Country: Saudi Arabia
Shipping from: Saudi Arabia
Om Kalthoom AlalawiSaudi Arabia
Om Kalthoom Alalawi

Saudi artist Um kalthoom Al-Alawi was inspired by her specialization in microbiology that paved way to a chain of curios explorations about form, shapes, logic and concepts. She also obtained another degree in visual arts, and utilized the space between the two fields to conjure abstractions on Life and Growth; that are often poetic. Collectivism connotes the ideals of community, solidarity, proximity, and trust. It is what lies at the heart of the Sacred Geometry project.

Artworks By Om Kalthoom Alalawi